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Seasonal Information​

For the schedule at our sister parish, St. Pius X in Carrick, please click here.

Pre-Fast Schedule

February 22: 1 st All Souls Saturday: Divine Liturgy with Panachida 11 AM
February 23: Meatfare Sunday: Divine Liturgy 11 AM followed by a Parish Potluck
February 24: 1 st and 2 nd Findings of the Head of St. John the Baptist: Confessions 6 PM and
Divine Liturgy 7 PM
February 28: Confessions 5 PM, Daily Vespers 6 PM, Divine Liturgy 7 PM
March 1: Three Rivers Theosis Fasting and Feasting Lecture and Fellowship Meal: 5 PM
Confessions and Lecture (in the Church) 6 PM Great Vespers, 7 PM Fellowship in Hall.
March 2: Cheesefare/Forgiveness Sunday: Divine Liturgy: 11 AM Divine Liturgy 6 PM
Forgiveness Vespers

Pure Week Schedule
March 3, 5, and 7: Confessions 6 PM, Presanctified Liturgy 7 PM
March 6: Confession 5 PM, Great Vespers 6 PM
Great Lent Weekly Schedule
Mondays: 6 PM Confessions, 7 PM Akathist to Our Lady, the Searcher for the Lost
Wednesdays/Fridays: 6 PM Confessions, 7 PM Presanctified
Saturdays: 5 PM Confessions, 6 PM Great Vespers
Sundays: 11 AM Divine Liturgy

Great Lent Events
Sunday Deanery Penitential Vespers: Confessions 3:30 PM, Vespers 4 PM, Meager Meal to
Follow (See Bulletin for Location Schedule)
All Souls Saturdays: March 15, March 29: 11 AM Divine Liturgy With Panachida
March 22: 3 rd All Souls Saturday: Confessions 9 AM, Divine Liturgy with Panachida 10 AM
March 22: Joint Parish Meeting: Following the Panachida
March 24: Annunciation to the Theotokos: Festal Matins 8 AM, Confessions 6 PM, Divine
Liturgy 7 PM
March 29: Parish Indoor Clean-Up Day: Following Divine Liturgy with Panachida
April 5: Parish Outdoor Clean-Up Day: 12 PM-4:30 PM
April 5: Three Rivers Theosis Fasting and Feasting Lecture and Fellowship Meal: 5 PM
Confessions and Lecture (in the Church) 6 PM Great Vespers, 7 PM Fellowship in Hall.

Holy Week Schedule
April 13: Lazarus Saturday: 11 AM Divine Liturgy, Confessions 5 PM, Great Vespers 6 PM

April 14: Palm Sunday: 11 AM Divine Liturgy with Blessing of Palms
April 15: Holy Monday: Confessions 6 PM, Bridegroom Matins 7 PM
April 16: Holy Wednesday: Bridegroom Matins 8 AM, Confessions 6 PM, Presanctified with
Holy Anointing 7 PM
April 17: Holy Thursday: Holy Thursday Matins 8 AM, Confessions 6 PM, Vigil Divine Liturgy
7 PM
April 18: Great and Holy Friday: Strasti Matins 8 AM, Burial Vespers 6 PM, Vigil Before the
Tomb 7 PM-12 AM
April 19: Great and Holy Saturday: Jerusalem Matins 12 AM

Pascha Schedule
April 19: Great and Holy Saturday 6 PM Vigil Divine Liturgy, Paschal Matins 7 PM followed by
the first Blessing of Baskets
April 20: Pascha (Easter Sunday): 11 AM Divine Liturgy followed by the second Blessing of

Bright Week Schedule
April 21-22: Bright Monday-Tuesday: Paschal Hours 8 AM, Confessions 6 PM, Divine Liturgy 7
April 23: Bright Wednesday/ St. George the Great Martyr: Paschal Hours 8 AM, Confessions 6
PM, Divine Liturgy 7 PM
April 25: Bright Friday: Paschal Hours 8 AM, Confessions 6 PM, Divine Liturgy 7 PM
April 26: Bright Saturday: Confessions 5 PM, Great Vespers 6 PM

Weekly Pascha- Pentecost Schedule (April 27-June 8)
Sundays: Divine Liturgy 11 AM
Mondays: Confessions 6 PM, Daily Vespers 7 PM
Fridays: Confessions 6 PM, Divine Liturgy 7 PM
Saturdays: Confessions 5 PM, Great Vespers 6 PM

May 3: Sunday of the Ointment Bearing Women (Anticipated for the Pittsburgh Marathon):
Confessions 4 PM, Great Vespers 5 PM, Divine Liturgy 6 PM, Fellowship with Three Rivers
Theosis Byzantine Catholic Young Adult Group to follow in Hall.

May 29: Ascension Thursday: Festal Matins 8 AM, Confessions 6 PM, Divine Liturgy 7 PM

June 7: Three Rivers Theosis Fasting and Feasting Lecture and Fellowship Meal: 5 PM
Confessions and Lecture (in the Church) 6 PM Great Vespers, 7 PM Fellowship in Hall.

June 8: Pentecost Sunday/Parish 118 th Anniversary: Divine Liturgy 11 AM with Anniversary
Luncheon in the Hall to follow.

Holy Spirit Byzantine Catholic Church

Write Us

Father Michael Kunitz, Administrator

Parish phone:  412-687-1220


Holy Spirit Byzantine Catholic Church


4815 Fifth Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Divine Liturgy:  Sundays @ 9:00 am Summer Schedule

Recitation of the Rosary begins at 8:25 am


Please refer to the Bulletin page for additional Divine Liturgies and other services.


Prayer Line:

Facebook:  HolySpiritChurchPgh


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